“Idea Prima” Wins the Agency of the Year Title at PR Impact Awards 2018


“Idea Prima” Wins the Agency of the Year Title at PR Impact Awards 2018

The international “PR Impact Awards 2018” announced the best PR projects of the year as selected by the event’s Jury. Lithuanian communications agency “Idea Prima” has been awarded the “Agency of the Year” title.

As in the previous years, communication experts and agencies from around the Baltic sea states were invited to submit their projects for the awards. There were 68 projects submitted for the awards, and all of them were evaluated by a Jury consisting of members from Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

For the first time ever, the event’s audience was also able to vote for their favourite project. The “Public’s Favourite” title has been awarded to the “Švaros broliai Facebook Communication” project carried out by a Lithuanian agency “bigNow”.

The below is a list of the best projects in each awards category:

The best corporate communications project:

“Find Time for a Conversation“ – “Gjensidige“ and “PR Service/Edelman Affiliate“, Lithuania

Geriausias best digital communications project:

“#KOGUMISPÄEVIK LED TO A SAVING BOOM!” – “Swedbank Estonia“ and “META Advisory Group“, Estonia

The best event:

“Innovation Drift“ – “Idea Prima“, Lithuania.

The best influancer and viral communications project

“GRITĖ. Cleaning Up the Biggest Drama“ – “McCann Vilnius“, Lithuania

The best innovation in communications:

“Budget for Growing Vilnius 2018”– „Idea Prima“ and Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania

The best integrated communications campaign:

“GRITĖ. Bringing Peace to Home“ – “McCann Vilnius“, Lithuania

The best internal communications project:

“Find Time for a Conversation“ – “Gjensidige“ and “PR Service/Edelman Affiliate“, Lithuania

The best NGO communications project:

“Month in a wheelchair“ – “Agency 1323“, Lithuania

The best public sector communications project:

“Put on a Filter”– “Gravitas Partners“, Lithuania

The best social responsibility project

Road safety campaign for children “Protect Me: Talking pedestrian crossings“ – “Fabula Hill+Knowlton Strategies“, Lithuania

Public‘s Favourite:

“Švaros broliai Facobook Communication” – “bigNow”, Lithuania

Agency of the Year – “Idea Prima“


The annual “PR Impact Awards 2018” Conference and Awards are organized by the Lithuanian Communications Association and the Lithuanian Association of Public Relations Agencies.

PR Impact Awards 2024