
Frequently asked questions about applying (2024 information)

Answers to the most frequently asked questions that arise when applying for the PR Impact Awards

🔵 General questions

Where can I find the rules of the competition?

The rules are published on the PR Impact Awards website and can be found here.

What is the eligibility period for the PR Impact Awards 2024?

Projects submitted to the competition must be implemented between May 2023 and April 2024.

Is it important to submit the application by 8 May or do I need to pay for it?

The deadline for submission and payment is 23.59 on 8 May. To avoid any worries about late payment, we recommend that you pay directly through the system. If you don’t have this option, make sure you take advantage of it and order your pre-paid account through Paysera as early as possible.

What time can I apply on the last day?

Early submission: until 17.04.2024 at 23:59.

Regular submission: 18.04.2024 to 28.04.2024 23:59

Late submission: 29.04.2024 to 08.05.2024 23:59

Is there a limit to the number of submissions?

No. Each organisation/institution/company can submit an unlimited number of applications. However, an application fee must be paid for each application.

How do I know that my application has been successfully submitted?

Once you have successfully completed all the steps of the application, you will see “Thank you for submitting the application” and an offer to submit another application or proceed to payment.

🔵 Completing the application

What language are the application forms in?

Applications must be submitted in English as they will be evaluated by an international jury. The name of the project must also be given in English. Forms can be filled in here.

Can I revise my application once it has been submitted?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in the system. We advise you to review all the questions in the application before filling in the application to get the big picture – you will also find more detailed explanations in this document. You can download the document here.

What is the difference between “Project Impact” and “Communication Results”?

The “Project Impact” section describes the impact the communication project has had on the organisation and its target audiences and stakeholders. The “Results” section shows the concrete results achieved.

Who – the client or the agency – should you write in the first step “Organisation”?

Write the client/organisation that/for/with whom/where the project was implemented. If the project is delivered by an agency, it should be written in “Project communications partners (agencies, freelance)”.

The rules say that the client and the promoters have to agree between themselves who is submitting the application. Is it necessary for the promoters to submit our written agreement?

No. It is important to agree amongst ourselves.

If we haven’t done research before and after the communication campaign, how can we provide data on impact?

Pre- and post-campaign surveys are not necessary. Sometimes other studies and trends can be used – it is important to disclose this in the application. Choose your own criteria, describe to the jury what criteria you have used and describe the results achieved.

How do I know if my application is successful?

Once you have successfully completed all the steps of the application, you will see on the screen “Thank you for submitting the application” and an offer to submit another application or proceed to payment.

🔵 Application categories

Can I submit the same application to multiple categories?

Yes, but the application should be adapted to the specific category. If the application is submitted to different categories, the fee is calculated for each category to which the application is submitted.

How many categories can I apply for this year?

There are 20 categories to apply for this year. The list of categories can be found here and in Chapter 3 of the Rules.

What are the categories for the PUBLIC SECTOR COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN?

This category is open to all communication campaigns/projects implemented by public sector organisations/institutions.

Which applications are open for the NGO COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN category?

This category is open to all communication campaigns/projects implemented by NGOs, associations and similar organisations.

Which applications are eligible for the BUSINESS COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN category?

This category is open to all communication campaigns/projects implemented by organisations in the business sector.


What are the applications for the category STATE/GOING-OWNED COMMUNICATION?

This category is open to all communication campaigns/projects implemented by state/municipally owned enterprises.

Are there any new categories this year?

This year there are two new categories: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT/CREATION and COURAGE IN COMMUNICATION. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/BUILDING. A communication project or tool designed to create a physical or virtual, internal or external community loyal to an organisation or brand and/or to encourage its engagement and positive attitudes towards the organisation or brand.

COURAGE IN COMMUNICATION. A communication project or campaign that uses bold, unusual and unconventional communication solutions and/or encourages uncomfortable topics.

PR Impact Awards 2024