Thank you for another great event!



Užsienio pranešėjai

Philippe Borremans

Tarptautinės ryšių su visuomene asociacijos (IPRA) tarybos narys, nepriklausomas viešųjų ryšių specialistas

Matthias Lüfkens

„Twiplomacy“ įkūrėjas, Pasaulinio komunikacijos tinklo „Burson Cohn Wolfe“ vykdantysis direktorius, buvęs Pasaulio ekonomikos forumo skaitmeninės komunikacijos vadovas


“PR Impact Awards” is the most important annual competition for communication projects in Lithuania and the closing conference with awards ceremony. This year the event is beeing organized for the 11th time allready.

Traditionally, the closing event (which will happen on June 7th, 2024) consists of three parts: a conference with insights from Lithuanian and foreign speakers, a presentation of the best communication projects, and the evening part – awards. Conference theme this year – “Crises Happen on Fridays: The Role of Communication in a World of Uncertainty”.

“PR Impact Awards” have been organized since 2014. They are organized by two of the country’s most significant associations uniting communication professionals: the Lithuanian Communication Association and the Communication Industry Association.


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Romualda Stonkutė

Lietuvos ryšių su visuomene agentūrų asociacijos tarybos pirmininkė

Lina Jakučionienė

Europos komunikacijos direktorių asociacijos (EACD) ambasadorė Lietuvai



Sponsors and Partners

PR Impact Awards 2024